Saturday 25 April 2009

Zakka Owls

I looked everywhere for a book mentioned in someone elses blog and couldn't get hold of one. So i decided to try making my own from the descriptions floating around the internet and some pictures as no one else seems to have posted any to try.

I'll upload in process photos tomorrow.

Photobucket pattern pieces scanned in at full size on a4 paper.

You will need scraps of fabric for the tummies, outsides and base.
A bit of embroidery floss for a beak.
Two buttons for eyes.

Cut one of each pattern piece out of contrasting fabric. Here i have used some navy wool scraps and some white synthetic felt.

Sew one side from a to b then pin the other side and sew from c to b.

Next sew up to the point from b to d, making sure that the stitching is strong if handsewing or go and oversew if using the machine.

Trim the seam allowances on the curves and close to the point d.

Turn the right way out, rolling the seams between your fingers to smooth out and make the point beak like...

Fold over the point gently and put a pin in place to make a rough face shape. Embroider 3 stitches for a beak and fasten off inside.

Draw around a 2p piece out of thick card and a circle of fabric with a 1 cm seam allowance for the base. This can be the main owl color or the contrast. gather the disc of fabric around the base and fasten off tightly.

Stuff the owl as firmly as you like and with a running stitch gather up the base to make a puffy little body.

Sew on the base with tiny stitches placing it centrally and holding it in place all the way round. Fasten off and put the needle through the body of the owl and snip to leave the end inside the body.

Sew on Buttons for eyes and then you're done!!!

Now make 2 more for a small line of your own little zakka owls.

Marvel at your handywork :D

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